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  • Wildlife Removal USA - Servicing Milwaukee, and all of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin

Milwaukee Wildlife Removal

24/7 cell phone: 414-316-6510

Yes, you can call us 24/7. Wisconsin wildlife don't take weekends off, and neither do we. Our company specializes in the removal of unwanted wildlife from property, houses, and attics. We service the Milwaukee, WI region. Call us now to discuss your problem, get pricing, and schedule an appointment.

FULL-SERVICE MILWAUKEE WILDLIFE COMPANY: We pride ourselves on being the most thorough and complete wildlife removal in Milwaukee. We do not simply set a cage trap on the ground and hope that'll solve the animal problem. We address the root cause of the wildlife issue, and follow a complete step-by-step plan, including the following services:

  • INSPECTION - We inspect the building and property to fully understand the cause of the wildlife issue. We aim to permanently solve your problem, by addressing the cause.
  • ANIMALS IN ATTICS - If you have wildlife in the attic, we enter the attic and identify the animal(s), any damage they have caused, and remove them there, if possible.
  • HUMANE WILDLIFE TRAPPING - Most jobs call for the capture and removal of animals. We put our years of experience to use in order to safely, humanely, and effectively catch the target animal(s).
  • ENTRY HOLE REPAIRS - If you've got animals in your house, it is vital to find and repair all open entry holes. Our repairs are professional grade and backed by warranty.
  • ATTIC CLEANUP - When necessary, we thoroughly clean and decontaminate your attic, to prevent mold, pathogens, and odors.
  • MILWAUKEE BAT REMOVAL - We pride ourselves on a 100% success rate in the live removal of bats from buildings in Wisconsin.
  • MILWAUKEE BIRD REMOVAL - We install preventative barriers to keep pigeons and other birds off of Wisconsin buildings.
  • MILWAUKEE RODENT CONTROL - We know a permanent way to get rid of rats or mice.
If you have an issue with a DOG or CAT, call Milwaukee County Animal Control at (414) 264-6257

We offer many other services in addition to the above listed. We perform dead animal removal, removal of Wisconsin snakes, mole trapping, and more. We can solve pretty much any nuisance animal complaint. We are a private business, we are not Milwaukee Animal Control agency or the Milwaukee County Animal Services - they only handle domestic animals, such as dogs and cats. Here are some of the species we commonly deal with:
Milwaukee Raccoon Removal - Raccoons are a common animal in Wisconsin. They break into attics, destroy property, eat garbage, and more.
Milwaukee Squirrel Removal - We deal with squirrels in attics and eaves all year, but mostly in late summer and late winter.
Milwaukee Opossum or Skunk Removal - We trap a wide variety of pest animals, from possums, to skunks, and more.

Milwaukee wildlife removal company services Milwaukee, WI. We service the greater Milwaukee WI area, including the towns of Brookfield, Waukesha, Monomonee Falls, Hartford, northwest to Watertown, and more. To learn more about us, visit our website at

Milwaukee wildlife control tip of the month: What is the best food to catch a unwanted pest animal? It's time to get rid of that pesky pet romping around your backyard - yes that unwanted pest animal that has been driving you insane. You know what you have to do, right? Yes, get rid of the damn furry beast! Back in the day those rodents would have been swat out of our backyard with a quick flit of a brick, but nowadays, we have to be humane, non-threatening, and eco-friendly! Anyway, to make sure you get the right star to the job, try to get your hands on a cage of the right size. A quick look online will soon tell you the right kind of trap size that we are talking about here. Second step - mount the trap cage onto firm ground, preferably somewhere out of view where it won't be so easily spotted by the rodent. These creatures aren't too easily fooled after all. Especially those with years under their belt moping around through city traffic around - they have "street smarts", as you say, they can spot a cage when they see one and will avert being caught in one as best they can. That's why it's important you use the most irresistible food you can possibly afford to subdue a rodent, to get the unwanted pest animal out of sight once and for all. I recommended for dog owners trying to catch a unwanted pest animal, to use dog food. It's simple, effective, and all ready to put to use. Another viable option is to chop down sardines and chunk it out onto a formidable plate and use it for catching the furry beast. Finally - we wish you the very best of luck in your adventure!

What can you buy to drive away fox under the shed? If you have a lowly fox that appears to have moved in underneath your shed, your first thought may have been one of panic - what if the creature has a disease? What if it scratches or bites your cat/dog/children? What if it never leaves and ends up having its poop and urine scattered all over the yard? These are all things that you are eventually going to have to concern yourself with, of course, but rather than focusing on all of these panics right now, you could actually be putting a plan into action that may just effectively remove the creature from its under-shed space. There are a hundred and one things that you can buy that are all reported to drive foxes, as well as many other rodents away but the fact of the matter is that very few of these are ACTUALLY going to work, especially if you are thinking for the long term. Rather than focusing all of your energies on the fad products that promise you the world, the sun and everything in between, you use your common head and turn to things that actually make sense to drive the creature away. Bleach is a good start. This is not only because it smells rather obnoxious, but also because it helps to remove any urine or scent gland smells that the animal may have left behind. If it doesn't smell its own scent there anymore, there is a good chance it could look elsewhere for a home. The same applies to other things such as using a sprinkler system - the animal doesn't want to be permanently wet, and also things like radios - the animal is nocturnal and doesn't like human interaction, so if there is a radio on the go all the time, it could take the hint and eventually just leave. Of course, there is no fool proof complete way to drive animals like the fox away from the areas such as under your shed. However, the more you use, the higher your chance of making it work, so get thinking!

Reader mail feedback: Hi there, heard I could get some help from you regarding squirrels getting into our house/attic. So my husband went up on the roof and noticed a very small hole in the roof joints from the lower part of the roof that meets the higher part of the roof and we got a wildlife person to come to confirm that it looks like red squirrels are getting into our house/attic. So we sealed the hole with aluminum flashing and screwed it in to close the hole off during the day. A few minutes later we saw a red squirrel running along the pole wires beside our house - a few days earlier we saw a red squirrel get some acorns from the house across ours and carry it to our roof so we are quite sure it is a red squirrel. Also during the day i can hear foot steps walking above my kitchen ceiling and some sratching and rollling noises. After we sealed the hole so far haven't heard any noises lately. BUT wondering how do we know if there are babies in our attic/house??? Heard that Sept is when these squirrels give birth. Is this true and any advise on how to tell if there are still babies stuck in our attic/house?? Really need help and this is very annoying for us and we just got our roof done in July 2012. Also would adding aluminum drip edging help prevent these squirrels from getting in our house? Thanks and please reply back asap with your suggestions. Thanks again!

My response: Baby squirrels in an attic is a tough scenario. It's often impossible to tell if they are there, if they are super young. However, they grow so quickly that there's only about a 2-week span in which they're not mobile. I'd just leave it as is. As far as more getting in, just make sure all areas are sealed off and can't be chewed.

Read more about wildlife: Raccoon Removal | Squirrel Removal | Skunk Removal | Rat Removal | Bat Removal - Remember, we are not a pest control or exterminator, we do humane wildlife removal Milwaukee.
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