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  • Wildlife Removal USA - Servicing Harrisburg, and all of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania

Harrisburg Wildlife Removal

24/7 cell phone: 717-724-8648

Yes, you can call us 24/7. Pennsylvania wildlife don't take weekends off, and neither do we. Our company specializes in the removal of unwanted wildlife from property, houses, and attics. We service the Harrisburg, PA region. Call us now to discuss your problem, get pricing, and schedule an appointment.

FULL-SERVICE HARRISBURG WILDLIFE COMPANY: We pride ourselves on being the most thorough and complete wildlife removal in Harrisburg. We do not simply set a cage trap on the ground and hope that'll solve the animal problem. We address the root cause of the wildlife issue, and follow a complete step-by-step plan, including the following services:

  • INSPECTION - We inspect the building and property to fully understand the cause of the wildlife issue. We aim to permanently solve your problem, by addressing the cause.
  • ANIMALS IN ATTICS - If you have wildlife in the attic, we enter the attic and identify the animal(s), any damage they have caused, and remove them there, if possible.
  • HUMANE WILDLIFE TRAPPING - Most jobs call for the capture and removal of animals. We put our years of experience to use in order to safely, humanely, and effectively catch the target animal(s).
  • ENTRY HOLE REPAIRS - If you've got animals in your house, it is vital to find and repair all open entry holes. Our repairs are professional grade and backed by warranty.
  • ATTIC CLEANUP - When necessary, we thoroughly clean and decontaminate your attic, to prevent mold, pathogens, and odors.
  • HARRISBURG BAT REMOVAL - We pride ourselves on a 100% success rate in the live removal of bats from buildings in Pennsylvania.
  • HARRISBURG BIRD REMOVAL - We install preventative barriers to keep pigeons and other birds off of Pennsylvania buildings.
  • HARRISBURG RODENT CONTROL - We know a permanent way to get rid of rats or mice.
If you have an issue with a DOG or CAT, call Dauphin County Animal Control at 717-564-3320

We offer many other services in addition to the above listed. We perform dead animal removal, removal of Pennsylvania snakes, mole trapping, and more. We can solve pretty much any nuisance animal complaint. We are a private business, we are not Harrisburg Animal Control agency or the Dauphin County Animal Services - they only handle domestic animals, such as dogs and cats. Here are some of the species we commonly deal with:
Harrisburg Raccoon Removal - Raccoons are a common animal in Pennsylvania. They break into attics, destroy property, eat garbage, and more.
Harrisburg Squirrel Removal - We deal with squirrels in attics and eaves all year, but mostly in late summer and late winter.
Harrisburg Opossum or Skunk Removal - We trap a wide variety of pest animals, from possums, to skunks, and more.

Harrisburg wildlife removal company services Harrisburg, PA. We also service Enola, West Fairview, Wormleysburg, Camp Hill, Mechanicsburg, Shiremanstown, Lemoyne, New Cumberland, Steelton, Swatara, Paxtang, Lawnton, Penbrook, Progress, Paxtonia, Rutherford, Hummelstown, and more. To learn more about us, visit our website at

Harrisburg wildlife control tip of the month: Removing nuisance rodent from your house - Problematic possum? Problem no more with these simple tips on how to effectively remove the creature from your home! Thankfully, there are now more ways than ever before to remove this problem from your life, which means that there is bound to be a solution to match your needs and requirements. The first method that you can look towards is to trap and remove the critter yourself. All you need for this is a trap, some bait and good knowledge of the animal you are trying to catch, and the habits that it adopts. Of course, you will need to have a good look at what to do with the animal once you have caught it - there are rules and regulations regarding animal releasing and trapping that you will need to adhere to. The easiest way for most people to deal with an nuisance rodent that has set up home in yours, is to call the local wildlife guys. These people will not only have all the equipment necessary to complete the task, but will also have the knowledge to be able to successfully catch and release the animal in a manner that is both safe, fast and humane. A lot of people have found welcome relief from a problematic nuisance rodent in their home by using a nest box which basically encourages the animal to relocate to the garden rather than living within the home. This may not be a completely solution to your problem, but at least you won't have to deal with the creature in your home any more. Finally, we come to poisons and kill traps. These should always be a last resort, not only because they are very dangerous methods of animal control, but also because there are so many things to take into consideration. On top of this - do you really want to kill the animal? It isn't exactly trying to annoy you on purpose!

Reader mail feedback: Today, I left for work. Then my wife called me and said she almost fell on her head because I spilt something on the floor in the kitchen on the 1st floor and did not clean it up. I said I did not spill anything. When she put paper towels on the floor they turned yellow. I figure it had to be a raccoon since we had them in our finished basement ceiling about 5 years ago with babies. I got rid of them at that time and I discovered their way in through the chimney and the broke the vent pipe connecting to the boiler from the chimney. I have not heard any noise lately so I am not sure if it is a raccoon or something else. I checked the attic and see no signs of any type of animals. How can I determine if I have a rodent? My elderly mother is in Harrisburg PA and has a mother raccoon with babies in her attic. She has tried some predator urine to no avail and she is not financially able to afford to have them removed. With that being said, I was wondering if you do any type of charitable work for senior citizens? Mom is very disturbed and frightened by all of the loud noise they are making and she's at her wit's end with all of this. Would you consider helping us? I appreciate any consideration you can give us.

Read more about wildlife: Raccoon Removal | Squirrel Removal | Skunk Removal | Rat Removal | Bat Removal - Remember, we are not a pest control or exterminator, we do humane wildlife removal Harrisburg.
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