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Hippopotamus Removal - How to solve problems between people and Hippopotamus

I know this site is Wildlife Removal USA, but I thought it would be a good plan to make a site about wildlife removal in other places that encounter totally different wildlife species, such as Africa. I took a trip there to learn about local wildlife problems. You think raccoons or groundhogs are a problem here? In Tanzania, where I did my research, they have to deal with Elephants completely destroying whole gardens in one night, and knocking down trees. The snakes there are pretty serious - try the Black Mamba for example. And while no animals here in the us will kill and eat you (except a large alligator, I guess), over there they have to legitimately worry about lions, or even worse, the deadly hippopotamus. I decided after a while that trying to create a business model on recommending African wildlife removal professionals was out of my league. But here is a little bit of information.

How to solve problems between people and Hippopotamus - Hippopotamus are bulky, hairless, tough skin and tout legged mammals that spend most of their times in shallow waters such as rivers and lakes. They seldom come out of the water particularly during the night to graze at the nearby meadows. In African villages, there are very few sources of tapped or borehole water and most people prefer doing their washing in rivers notwithstanding the dangers relative with this particular venture. One of the relative risks that such activities may bring is intrusion by hippos. These are strictly territorial beasts which would do virtually anything to protect their habitats. Many innocent people who wash their clothes or bathe along rivers infested with hippos have perished as a result of attack by hippos.

These animals usually make definite routes that they use to get in and out of the water while grazing at night. At the slightest provocation even from a dashing antelope, they may hurriedly run back to the water following this definite route; and as they do so anything on their way can be trampled down. As such fishermen who come home late at night or early in the morning from their expeditions are strongly advised t know thee routes so as to avoid them; a hippo stampede can result to potential fatality. Though hippos are not carnivorous, they will also attack boat riders who traverse their tranquil water territories by overturning their boats and then dragging the helpless victims down to the river’s bottom and tactfully drowning them . Boat riders are advised to ride in strong boats when traversing hippo infested regions and also taking heed not to scurry these regions when they are most active which is usually during later afternoons.

Hippos are usually peaceful animals but will develop aggressive tendencies when their supply of water dwindles in the river either due to human interference or drought. Humans are therefore advised to stay out of their way during dry seasons as they may instinctively be forced to charge even without any good reason. There are particular indigenous communities which feed on the animal’s flesh and are occasionally hunting them down. This activity is not right at all as the communities usually take only a fraction of the animal’s flesh leaving behind the other part to rot and further pollute the area. Concerned parties therefore need to educate the communities on best practices of preserving these animals by considering other alternative food sources other than killing hippo for food. But this can be met with considerable rejection especially when the locals kill these hippos more from tradition than filling their stomachs. In such cases the change agent will be required to discuss withy the elders on the dangers that are relative if such activities are not stopped as hippos could soon become extinct in the region. Due to fear of being killed by man, they could migrate to other regions where they face less danger. Though this may seem beneficial to man, it definitely isn’t an enjoyable activity for the hippos that virtually have to travel for tens or even hundreds of kilometers on their legs which were not meant to travel such long distances. As such, they would become easy prey to carnivores like lions which could be trailing them and eating those which are burdened or the young ones. Most of the hippos don’t make it to the other side during such expeditions which regularly occur during the night. In occasional cases the animals may as well attack human farms and munch on a few crops. This usually occurs in dry seasons when flora dwindles.

While I am on the matter of African nuisance animals, I may as well address Elephant Removal and Lion Removal.
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