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  • USA Wildlife Removal Education Guide - How to get rid of raccoons in the attic

How to get rid of raccoons in the attic

You have a pesky family of raccoons in your attic. You do not want them there they cause extensive amounts of damage with their chewing and scratching. They make a horrible mess with trash and feces. Feral Raccoons can carry all kinds of diseases. They have moved into your attic to have babies, which will cause even more problems.

To get rid raccoons in your attic, just follow a simple series of steps.

Find out how the raccoons are gaining access

Do not skip this important step! You must find their entryways and seal them or you will have constant re-infestations Inspect all of your roof structure, ridge and eaves. Learn what signs to look for. Raccoon holes will have a large concentration of feces around them. Raccoons are nocturnal so you may see them leaving at dark or returning at dawn

Decide on a plan of action

You now know where the raccoons are nesting, and how they are getting in. You have determined if there are babies in the nest. You must now decide their fate. Do you just want to make them leave? Is it your intent to kill them? What will happen to the young? Each of these choices has its own results. If you kill them, what will you use and how will you deal with the bodies? If you successfully run them off, how do you keep them from coming back?

Now that you have decided what to do, How do, you go about it.

Once you have found all the entryways and found the nest and you have decided how to handle your infestation, If you are going to kill them, one option is to block all the entryways to your attic at one time and set poison out. This would work, but it is not a very sound choice. Even if you do not mind cleaning up all the dead bodies, it could take days for them all to die.

Exclusion tunnels are a simple choice to get rid of the raccoons in. You can consult your pest control for advice, or even get plans for one on-line. With exclusion funnels, you seal all but one entry hole. The large end of the device is placed over that hole. The raccoon can exit through its hole to the outside, but the collapsible small end will not allow it to get back in. This is an excellent way to force the creature to go elsewhere. You can even place a cage on the end of the funnel, and be able to have the raccoon relocated. This especially good if it has young. After you are sure all the creatures have exited, remove the funnel, and seal up the final hole.

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