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  • USA Wildlife Removal Education Guide - What should I do with a rat after I catch it?

What should I do with a rat after I catch it?

Once you've managed to trap a rat, you might feel like your work is already done. But, you are now left to make a decision about what are you going to do with a trapped rat. If you have caught a live rat, there are some issues you are going to have to consider before you proceed with any activity. First, you are going to have to decide are you going to kill the rat on your own or relocate it? Next, you are going to find a way to handle the rat without bringing yourself in any health danger or risk. Finally, you are going to have to plan a detailed disinfection of your home, after the rat is finally gone.

You might be wondering what should you do with a trapped rat. Some people are sensitive to animals, and would like to remove them in a humane way. But, what you need to know is that the rat is likely not going to survive if you relocate it. Rats get accustomed to living in a particular environment, and they are not going to be able to find the food in any other environment besides that one. This means that the rat will die one way or another. If you choose to kill the rat yourself, you should use the fire weapon or a blunt object that is heavy and firm enough to kill the rat quickly and mercifully.

Read here An analysis of inhumane glue traps for rats and How to use one-way exclusion funnels to remove rats without trapping them.

Another thing you should consider is the way you will handle the living rat without exposing yourself to any risks. You should be careful not to get bitten by a rat, and you shouldn't touch them with bare hands. To handle a rat safely, use gloves and a protective mask as a measure of caution, but avoid touching the rat as much as you can. Also, make sure to not get in contact with any rat feces as well, as it can spread serious infectious diseases. After you've removed a rat from your home, the next thing you want to do is to perform a detailed disinfection of your entire home. Depending on the number of rats, as well as rat feces you've discovered, you might be able to do that on your own. However, the safest thing would be to hire professionals to disinfect your home. To make sure that you will not suffer any future rat infestations, inspect your home and secure all the places rats might use to enter your home. Fix your fences, close all, even small, holes and gaps in your walls, vents, windows and door.

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Learn about the different types of rat snap traps and what to do if you have a rat on the roof. Find out if repellents will get rats out of your attic, and where you can relocate a trapped rat. I can even let you know if a pest control company will remove a rat.

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