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  • USA Wildlife Removal Education Guide - What Kind of Damage Do Moles Cause to a Lawn?

What Kind of Damage Do Moles Cause to a Lawn?

Moles are small but distractive rodents that live underground. The color varies from brown, gray or black. They have a length of up to eight inches and weigh six ounces. During winter period they hibernate, but during summer they cause great havoc. Moles have small eyes which as a thin membrane behind the snout.

The tiny eyes only allow them to detect light and dark. Therefore they are practically blind. They are also experts in digging and can create a tunnel of eight inches. They dig faster and better than other animals because of their thick, paddle-like, big front feet and massive claws. Moles also have a short neck which allows them to enter their small tunnels easily. They usually dig at the rate of twelve feet per hour. The little creatures also bear their younglings deep into the holes.

However, they cause lots of damages in your lawn. Imagine you have worked hard for the perfect garden and you suddenly wake up to a lawn attacked by moles and converted into a maze. They usually dig in search of food and shelter. The rodents are insectivorous and feed on earthworms, grubs, and other insects. The presence of these insects allows them to cause their destructive paths.

How to Know the Signs Caused by Mole Damages?
To ensure moles have invaded your lawn, you should pay attention to two signs including raised ridges and molehill at the tunnel’s exit. The tunnels are as a result of moles digging closer to the surface. On the other hand, the molehill is caused by dirt. They excavate while digging deeper tunnels.

Destroy Plants
During excavation, they also destroy the plant roots and raise the grass. Moles can indirectly destroy plants. They do this through different ways. Firstly, mole created tunnels can host voles which usually destroy tuber and roots. They also remove the source of plant nutrients. Moles typically dig for earthworms and grubs which are found in the plant's roots.

The tiny rodents can turn out to be a problem for most homeowners. The ridges can cause great lawn chaos and also damage the flowers and plant root system. Prevention is the best way to deal with the problem. If you control the source of food, it will automatically prevent lawn destruction by moles. If their particular diet is not available, the small rodents won't visit your home.

There are also other preventive measures to get rid of moles infestation. You can use underground fencing, and plants like garlic to repel moles. Even, use live traps to capture and then relocate the animal. Contact your local animal control service if the problem is too challenging to solve. They will send in an expert to help you get rid of these tiny destructive creatures. Be ready to say bye-bye to your beautiful garden if you don’t get rid of the rodents.

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Learn more about Mole Removal or solve a problem yourself with my How To Get Rid Of Moles guide.
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